Change is Fun (and Hard)
I got bangs! (Yes, they’re subtle.) February 2023
You may have noticed that my newsletter structure looks slightly different this month (I know - it’s amazing). We recently had the opportunity to revisit areas of my consulting business that had been on the back burner for a while. We all know how it happens; you add it to your to-do list, set a deadline (maybe reset it a few times), and eventually, it gets hidden under the more pressing (notice I didn’t say more important) tasks. It’s not an uncommon issue, but it can lead to stagnation and prevent forward motion in both your professional and personal life. In any case, we decided that it was time for a shake-up - a revisiting of things that were no longer serving us and a revitalization of systems that pushed us closer toward our goals.
I’ll be honest - it wasn’t really what I wanted to do in January. I like my routines, and launching three new platforms, redesigning a newsletter, and planning for upcoming content releases (stay tuned!) was not only a ton of work but a huge mental load that I wasn’t quite ready to tackle. However, once I got past the initial brain block and leaned into the changes, I began to notice a few things:
I got more focused. Once I was forced to really examine why we needed these changes, I became more aware and focused on the overall mission behind the change. I looked at the changes from a different perspective. They were not only an opportunity to leave behind systems that weren’t serving me, but they were also a way to move my business forward in a way that better served both myself and my clients! This was a massive shift for me that motivated me to continue to push myself forward professionally and personally.
I got more creative. After realizing that some of my systems were no longer serving me to the greatest extent possible, my brain was free to explore new possibilities! Releasing my thoughts from the constraints of my ‘normal’ or ‘routine’ gave me a chance to think outside the box and think about what is possible rather than focusing on all the reasons it might not work.
I felt lighter. Change is hard, but moving beyond things that are no longer working is an incredibly powerful and positive feeling. There is, of course, always the fear or “what ifs” that sneak in but letting go took a burden off my shoulders that I never knew existed.
I am always working to be better tomorrow - both for myself and my clients. These last few months have been rough. Change is hard, and I won’t sugarcoat it – there were times (and will be times in the future) when I questioned my purpose, goals, and myself. I’m proud of the changes that we’ve made, and will continue to make. While we may not be changing software platforms again for a while (cue my assistant’s big sigh of relief), I want to remember the feelings these changes have brought and the feelings of new possibilities, new beginnings, and new room to grow. Oh, and I forgot the best part. After a decade-plus with the same haircut (yes, I’m attached to it), I got bangs! They’re subtle, but they’re there. And they’re so much fun, even when they get in my eyes while I exercise. ¡Viva la vida!