Immunizations in K12 - Key Lessons and Tips From the Field

Childhood immunizations are a key component of keeping our students healthy and in school! During the COVID-19 pandemic, rates for routine childhood immunizations dropped significantly. In the fall of 2023, the CDC released data showing that the kindergarten national vaccine coverage rate fell from 95% to 93% (with some states as low as 81% - yikes)! This information should worry every school administrator since we need AT LEAST 95% to achieve herd immunity! Many of these vaccine-preventable diseases require multi-week quarantine periods away from school for those unvaccinated individuals who become exposed. That’s a huge consequence for academics and school operations! Join me in chatting with Aria Montcrieff, Director of Operations for a DC charter school, as we talk through how we can tackle this issue and share tips and tricks we've learned along the way!


Learning from Failure, Leading Through Transparency